“Copyright Law Commentary” (co-author) Daiichi Hoki, 2020
“Legal Consultation on Designs” (co-author) Seirin Shoin, 2021
“Present situation and problems in the use of arbitration over intellectual property disputes in Japan” NBL Vol.756, 2003
“Basic Principals of the United States Patent Law” Research on the Practice of Law Vol.18, Tokyo Bar Association, 2003
“International Court Jurisdiction and Governing Law in Intellectual Property Litigation” Research on the Practice of Law Vol.20, Tokyo Bar Association, 2005
“Practical Issues in Patent Licensing – (I)Registration of patent licenses and (II)Licensing of pre-issued patents” Intellectual Property Management Vol.59 No.6, 2009
“Decision Affirming International Jurisdiction of Japanese Court in Suit for Infringement of Japanese Patent by a Korean Corporation” Intellectual Property Management Vol.62 No.1, 2012
“History of Amendments in Unfair Competition Prevention Law and Remaining Issues in view of Famous Trade Secret Infringement Cases” IP Disputes Forefront (Law & Technology additional volume) Vol.2, 2016